Scroll twitter in peace.
Without all the negativity.

We use AI to filter out content on social media so you'll never have to see anything you don't want to (war, politics, outrage etc...)

No credit card required, instant download.
50k+ tweets blocked
10k+ posts blocked
10k+ videos blocked

AI Mind Protection

We use LLMs to analyze each piece of content you view and if it's something you don't like we make sure you don't see it.

Block or Hide

Choose whether to block content and manually unblock or completely hide.

Tweet Blocked
Video Hidden
Tweet Blocked
Tweet Hidden
Tweet Blocked
Tweet Blocked

Filter Tags

Use filter tags to easily dictate what you want to see — you control the feed.



Use on twitter, reddit and youtube — with more platforms to come.


Sub 1-second processing ensures harmful content never reaches your eyes.

twitter hero gif


We work through the chrome store so people can easily use mindfirewall.

See mindfirewall in action protecting you

You control the algorithm, now you'll finally be able to scroll social media without it affecting your focus and emotional state.


Filters out unwanted tweets in real-time.


Hides posts and comments you don't want to see.


Blocks videos and channels based on your preferences.

More Platforms

Expanding to include more social media sites like Instagram.

Twitter example

We clear out the rubbish, on social media

Download on chrome
We protect your mental space. More on our blog.
Available onChrome Web Store
70k+Content Filtered
© mindfirewall Inc 2024